Guide to sign up to as a customer

Please visit our Canadian website at, using any web browser of your choice (Ex. Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, etc.) it is very important that you stay on the .ca domain and not any other we use for the US or other countries.

On the upper right of the website, you will find the login link (the 3rd element of the horizontal menu on black and white as shown in the picture below). Clicking there will open the login sub-menu. Please click on the orange button “SIGN UP HERE” at the bottom of the login sub-menu (encircled in pink below).

You will be redirected to the “Create Account”. Please fill out the form using the email address to which you currently have full access, type the letters on the captcha at the end and finally please click on the “CREATE AN ACCOUNT” blue button as shown.

Shortly after, you will receive an email from our servers to the address you typed above, please click on the link you will find on the email to activate your account and complete the setup.

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